Louk Hagendoorn előadása

Louk Hagendoorn előadása

2018. október 03.

ELTE TáTK (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A), 0.100C terem


2018. október 03. -

ELTE TáTK (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A), 0.100C terem

Louk Hagendoorn professzor (Department of Social Sciences, Utrecht University) nyílt előadást tart German refugee politics címmel.

Időpont: 2018. október 3., 17:00 óra
Helyszín: ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar (1117 Bp. Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a,) 0.100C terem

Az előadás rövid összefoglalója:
I will look at German politics on refugees from September 2015 till now, using two criteria to order the events and their consequences: morality and competence. Morality and competence are principal criteria guiding our perception of others as persons or groups, mapping them as friends or enemies and as strong or weak in achieving goals. These dimensions are reflected in stereotypes, political justifications, and ideologies. 
In presenting policies to the public, politicians may accentuate morality or competence (to avoid cost or achieve positive effects), or both. For (justifications of) migration policies, two sub-dimensions of morality and competence are relevant: doing well to humans outside the nation, or for those inside it; and likewise realizing goals outside or inside. In other words, German refugee policies can be evaluated on the basis of what is morally right for refugees or for Germans, and what are useful effects realized outside Germany or inside. Given that morals and effects can be positive or negative, we have eight categories to assess German refugee policies. 
My hypothesis is that morality for those outside Germany dominated politics in 2015, gradually shifting to competence inside Germany towards 2018. Yet, the initial accent on morality had a fundamental destabilizing effect on German society and the EU.

Ajánlott olvasmányok:

Alexander, R. 2017. Die Getriebenen. München: Siedler.
Ultsch, C., Prior, T. & Nowak, R. 2017. Flucht, wie der Staat die Kontrolle verlor. Wien: Molden.
Blume, G. et al. (2016). Was geschah wirklich? Grenzöffnung für Flüchtlinge. Mein 5. September. Zeitonline, August, 22: 1-35.

Az előadás az  EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 pályázat támogatásával valósul meg. 

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