A menekültkrízis konstrukciója a görög és a magyar médiában

Bodor Péter és Fokasz Nikosz a 2016. június 10-12. között rendezett International Conference in Contemporary Social Sciences (ICCONSS) című konferencián adtak elő "The construction of "crises" and the "refugee problem" in the Greek and Hungarian dailies" címmel Rethymno-ban.

Az előadás absztraktja

The construction of “crises” and the “refugee problem” in the Greek and Hungarian dailies
In our presentation we intend to reconstruct empirically how the Greek and Hungarian mass media depict and contribute to the construction of the “crises” in general and the “refugee problem” in particular. 
In order to investigate empirically these issues we collected all the articles from a set of online editions of Greek and Hungarian dailies – both EU member states significantly affected by the refugee problem – that related to the crises and refugee crises during the year 2015.  We endeavor to reconstruct the concepts of "crises" and "refugee problem" as a network based on the frequency of the simultaneous appearance of these words in the articles. The words become nodes of networks and the links between the nodes of these networks denote that these words appeared simultaneously in a given article. Thus, based on this simultaneous appearance as a network of the strongest ties with other words, we will be able to reconstruct empirically the concepts of "crises" and "refugee problem". In addition, we intend to offer a qualitative analysis of the images published the collected articles as well.
Based on the analysis of the verbal and pictorial material we try to explore the interpretation framework of the crises, the issue of how mass media represent and present the crisis as a humanitarian problem, as invasion problems, or cultural and religious opposition problems. 

Az oktatók utazását az ELTE TáTK kutatói pályázata segítette.
