A strukturális szakadékok új megközelítése

Az MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Szociológiai Intézete tisztelettel meghív minden érdeklődőt a huszonötödik Jour fixe rendezvényére (2014. szeptember 25-én), melyen Kmetty Zoltán és Koltai Júlia „Strukturális szakadékok – egy új hálózati módszer a társadalmi törésvonalak feltárására” című akadémiai szimpóziumát hallgathatják meg.
Előadók: Koltai Júlia, MTA TK Szociológiai Intézet és Kmetty Zoltán, ELTE TáTK
Opponensek: Tardos Róbert, MTA–ELTE Peripato Kutatócsoport és Takács Károly, MTA TK 
A szimpózium nyelve a magyar.

Helyszíne: MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont, Hegedüs terem
Időpont: 2014. szeptember 25. csütörtök, 13 óra
Kérjük, ha részt kíván venni, szeptember 24.‐ig e‐mailben küldje el  nevét és intézményét a  szociologia@tk.mta.hu címre.
„Structural rifts –  a new, network based method for the exploration of social cleavages”

From several points of views, the research of networks opened new perspectives on the field of social structures. In 2006 a so‐called size generator method was applied in the General Social Survey (GSS) (DiPrete et al. 2011), whose foundations were laid down by McCarty et al. (2001). This method was repeated in two Hungarian nationwide researches, where questions were asked about how many people the respondent knows whose name is XY (for example „How many of the people you are acquainted with are named Milán?”). Based on the different populational frequency of the names, it is possible to estimate the size of the respondent’s network. It was also asked how many persons the respondents know and trust in different social groups (for example gay people, or those who attend religious services on a regular basis, etc.). With the help of these questions it is possible to examine how strong the segregational relations are between the different social groups, and how they strengthen or weaken in the case of trusted relationships. Therefore, the method concentrates on the ties and segregational borders between social stratums, classes and milieus. In our paper we describe the type of research questions that are answerable through this method, and the analysis with which these responses become available. We focus on the following key issues: how to calculate the size of the respondent's network based on the size‐generator, and which factors influence it; what kind of cleavages lie in the Hungarian society and how deep they are; by which social dimensions these fractures can be reduced; and how we are able to estimate the size of social groups (eg. gays), which otherwise would be difficult to measure.

Kulcsszavak: network, social cleavages, social structure, methodology
