Az emberi jogok szerepe az EU nyugat-balkáni és törökországi politikájában (FRAME)

2016 szeptemberében a FRAME projekt keretében megjelent Susanne Fraczek, Huszka Beáta és Körtvélyesi Zsolt tanulmánya "The role of human rights in the EU's external action in the Western Balkans and Turkey" címmel.

Az ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar 18 külföldi emberi jogokkal foglalkozó szervezettel együtt valósítja meg a FRAME (Fostering Human Rights Among European (External and Internal) Policies című projektet, melyet az Európai Unió Kutatási Keretprogramja (FP7) támogat. A kutatás fő célja annak vizsgálata, hogy az EU kül- és belpolitikájában hogyan jutnak érvényre az emberi jogokkal kapcsolatos alapelvek, illetve ezek érvényesítésében milyen nehézségekbe ütközik az unió.

A most megjelent tanulmány a projekt honlapján érhető el:

A tanulmány absztraktja (angol nyelven)

"This report discusses the role of human rights in the EU’s enlargement policy to the Western Balkans and Turkey.

The objective of this report is to demonstrate, on the basis of three country case studies, how the EU’s tools and instruments operate in the enlargement context, what human rights priorities these instruments reveal, how these priorities have changed over time and how consistent they have been, and what they reveal about the weight and place of human rights within the EU’s general conditionality policy. The report will analyse which human rights issues and vulnerable groups have been prioritised in the context of conditionality requirements in EU documents or promoted by political statements or financial instruments and which have not been. The overview will also assess whether there was coherence in monitoring across instruments as well as over time. The report consists in the study of the EU’s engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2000 to 2015, in Serbia from 2009 to 2015 and in Turkey from 1999 to 2015. Considering that all the three countries examined in this report are on the enlargement track, we analyse the EU’s external policies and human rights conditionality in this context. The ultimate question of human rights conditionality is whether the EU consistently follows up on its own criteria, i.e. whether the incentives set for meeting the conditions are then actually handed out as rewards and in turn whether the failure to meet the requirements results in suspension or deferral of the integration process or the cutting of assistance funds. We are looking extensively at enlargement instruments and add, in all three cases, the visa liberalisation process because that played/plays an important role in the EU’s human rights conditionality, despite not being an instrument specific to enlargement."
