Tomáš Vlček nyílt előadása

Tomáš Vlček nyílt előadása

2018. szeptember 27.

ELTE TáTK (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A), 0.100C terem


2018. szeptember 27. -

ELTE TáTK (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A), 0.100C terem

Az ELTE TáTK Politikai és Nemzetközi Tanulmányok Intézete nyitott előadást szervez az orosz olajpolitika szerepéről a délkelet-európai régióban. Az előadást Tomáš Vlček, Ph.D., a Masaryk University (Brno) adjunktusa tartja, aki az Intézet Erasmus-vendégoktatója.
Az esemény nyilvános és ingyenes. Az előadás nyelve angol. 

Az előadás címe: "Russia in South-Eastern Europe: The Case of Oil" 

Időpont:  2018. szeptember 27., 18:30

Helyszín: ELTE TáTK, Északi épület (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A), 0.100C terem

Az előadás összefoglalója: 
South-Eastern Europe provides an excellent research region since the majority of states share a common history of development in their energy sectors, as well as a common experience of authoritarian regimes and membership in the so-called Eastern Bloc. The list of these countries is comprised of relatively underdeveloped energy sectors, where conventional traditional fuels are still dominant – not only in terms of installed capacities, but also in terms of its political and strategic support. Oil, as a commodity, is very easy to transport, relatively simple to process in refineries and very easy to use (vast majority is used in transportation). Hence, oil use and consumptions is among the dominant fuels used in the SEE region.

In most cases, countries within the region have remained dependent on infrastructure built for supplies from Russia and on Russian supplies as such. However, although these states may still be largely dependent on Russian supplies and infrastructure, at the same time, they are poised to become important transit countries within various planned infrastructure projects aiming at bringing in energy supplies from various sources. Russia's economic involvement has also been more intensive, and the energy sector is no exception. Accusations of nonstandard deals coupled with cultural proximity and close ties between some Russian and local politicians provide an incentive for a thorough examination.

The lecture will focus on operations of Russian state-owned oil companies in the region of South-Eastern Europe and will try to answer, whether these companies act as tools of the Russian state and serve as vehicles of Russian foreign policy.