Towards a European Social Policy? A Sober Approach – Prof. Dr. Georg Vobruba nyílt előadása

Towards a European Social Policy? A Sober Approach – Prof. Dr. Georg Vobruba nyílt előadása

2018. december 06.

ELTE TáTK – Lágymányosi Campus, Északi Tömb (Kari Tanácsterem, 0.100.C)


2018. december 06. -

ELTE TáTK – Lágymányosi Campus, Északi Tömb (Kari Tanácsterem, 0.100.C)


Dr. Georg Vobruba [szociológiaprofesszor, Lipcsei Egyetem] 2018. december 6-án angol nyelvű nyílt előadást tart az ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar Kari Tanácstermében, melyre a szervező Szociológia Doktori Iskola szeretettel vár minden érdeklődőt.

Az előadás címe: Towards a European Social Policy? A Sober Approach

Az előadás absztraktja angol nyelven lent olvasható. 

Időpont: 2018. december 6. 16:00
Helyszín: ELTE TáTK, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Kari Tanácsterem (0.100C)


ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Doctoral School of Sociology cordially invites you to a public lecture by Prof. Dr. Georg Vobruba, titled Towards a European Social Policy? A Sober Approach.
Date: 16:00, December 6, 2018. 
Venue: Faculty Council Hall, 1/A Pázmány Péter sétány, 1117 Budapest

What can we learn from analyzing the historical context, in which the modern welfare states emerged, for assessing the chances of a genuinely European social policy? I shall first offer a theoretical sketch of the emergence of modern welfare states, putting particular emphasis on its main driving forces and functions. Than we will look at the present constellation within the European Union: What similarities and what the differences do we find? And what can we learn from that for the likelihood of a genuinely European social policy?

Prof. Dr. Georg Vobruba is a professor emeritus at the University of Leipzig. His main areas of work are sociology of social policy, European sociology and social theory. His main fields of interest include social policy, the welfare state, and the labor market in the national and in the European context, and in connection with transnationalization and globalization. He is also concerned with the sociology of political and social spaces, problems of European integration, the enlargement of the European Union and the European Neighborhood Policy. The social-theoretical focus of his research is devoted to the combination of action theory and political sociology, the relationship between social-institutional integration and the attachment of individual action, as well as the institutional conditions of individual gains in autonomy.
This program is supported by the EFOP-3.6.3. – VEKOP-16-2017-0007 “From talent to young researcher” project.