About Library
The Faculty of Social Sciences was founded in 2003, and the Faculty Library was established in that year.Its core collection is from the Institute of Sociology which was founded in 1969 and further expanded in 2006 with the materials from the General Social Work specialisation which seceded from the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education. We are especially proud of the valuable documents donated and left by our Professors.
Based on the decision of the Faculty Council of 12 May 2015, the Library adopted the name of Dénes Némedi, whose legacy is part of the holdings.
Themes of our collection:
Main collection: sociology and professional sociology, political science, social psychology, cultural anthropology, demography, statistics, universal and Hungarian social history, social policy, social work, child protection, international studies, economics, European Union literature, health policy, history of the faculty.
Minor collection: philosophy, human ecology, mathematics, religious anthropology, computer science, pedagogy, epidemiology, health management, public administration, law, psychology.