Between Zeitenwende and Firewall: Germany after Elections

Between Zeitenwende and Firewall: Germany after Elections

27. February 2025. 16:30

Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE (H–1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Room 7.14)


2025. February 27. 16:30 -

Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE (H–1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Room 7.14)

The Institute of Political and International Studies, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences is organising a panel discussion to reflect on the federal election in Germany.

At the even, a panel of experts will share their insights on the following topics:

  • What has led to the collapse of Olaf Scholz’s coalition government?
  • What are the reasons for the lingering East-West political divide?
  • What is the likely formation of a new government, and what will be the consequences for Ukraine?
  • Can we expect a continuation of ’Zeitenwende’?
  • What does all this mean for the USA, China or Hungary?

The English language event is hosted by the Institute for Political and International Studies, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences.

The invited speakers are:

  • András Hettyey – Andrássy University Budapest
  • Gyula Speck – Ludovika University of Public Service 
  • Moderator: Péter Hevő – POLIR ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences

Fotó: Shvets Anna