Call for Applications – Excellence Programme for PhD Students

Doctoral students eligible to apply are those who had at least one book, or one single-authored article or essay (NOT review), or at least two co-authored article or essay published in 2024, in a scientific journal or volume of essays.
Evaluation system:
The activities accepted for grading during evaluation are the following:
- publications
- teaching
- professional participation in public life
- awards won at the National Conference of Scientific Students’ Associations (for first-year students only)
- Students receiving ÚNKP or EKÖP grants are not allowed to apply.
- Students may choose if they apply to EKÖP or this Excellence Programme, but they may only choose one.
- Students employed by the Faculty may only apply as long as they do not apply to an excellence programme for the instructors of the Faculty with the same results.
- Activities already supported (e.g. a paid course taught by the student, a publication or a conference financed by an application) may not be included in another application. The student is required to announce if the activity included in the application has already gained support from another resource. The decision will be made with that in mind.
The amounts granted will be based on the assessment of the student’s achievements. The allocation provided by the Faculty of Social Sciences is 2,000,000 HUF, which ensures substantial financial support. The distribution of grants will also depend on the number and range of applications.
Deadlines and submitting:
Please download and fill the Excel table from here. Please also attach the publication you consider your best essay published in 2024. You can submit your application between 1 and 31 January 2025, sent to
The Doctoral School are planning to announce another turn of the Excellence Programme in September 2025, with the same requirements, but involving the results of 2025.
TTDT (Doctoral Council of the Field of Social Sciences) will assess the applications until 28 February 2025.
All students are welcome to apply.