Conference of the Scientific Students' Associations (TDK) – 2023 Spring

Conference of the Scientific Students' Associations (TDK) – 2023 Spring
Any student currently enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s program of ELTE TáTK can nominate herself/himself for the Conference of Scientific Students' Associations (TDK) by submitting a 20 to 40 page-long scientific paper written with the guidance of a supervisor. The paper can also have more than one author, in which case the co-authors participate in the conference together.


Send your paper to until 2 May 2023 (23:59). In all cases, the TDK secretary will acknowledge by e-mail the receipt of your application. If you do not receive a reply within one day, please contact the TDK secretary to ensure that your paper does not accidentally get into the spam folder of the mail system.

Please include the following in the email sent with your paper:

  • Name, program, year, and contact details of the author(s)
  • Title of the paper
  • Name, workplace, position, and contact details of the supervisor.
  • In the case of student(s) with special needs, requests to facilitate participation in the conference.

The titlepage of the paper should NOT contain the name of the author(s) or the name of the supervisor. The titlepage should ONLY include the title of the paper, the program and year of the author(s) (e.g., BA in Sociology, 2nd year) and a code-word to identify the paper (e.g., "Owl").



Date: 26 May 2023

It is a faculty-level conference where applicants are expected to present their research in 15 minutes, and to reflect on the opinion of an evaluator, which they have received beforehand. Students can qualify for the national TDK conference by participating at this local one.

With your questions, please turn to: Ottó Gecser (Head of TDK at the Faculty of Social Sciences) or Bernadett Czakó (Secretary of TDK at the Faculty of Social Sciences).