Students’ Letters Conference 2023

Organized by the Culture Club @ ELTE TáTK

Students’ Letters Conference 2023
In 2023 the Culture Club at the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences is organising an open students’ letters conference for the growing student community.

Aim of the Conference

The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for the students to introduce current social issues from all around the world through academic letters or posters. The conference will be organized on the 24th of November, 2023 at the ELTE Lágymányosi Campus. The presenters will choose a topic covering local or global social challenges and introduce it in a format accessible for non-experts as well. A PowerPoint presentation would be a good idea, but a lecture would also be acceptable. The presentation will be followed by an open discussion where the organisers and the attendees will discuss the topic and make suggestions. The aim of the series is to introduce various social realities, and also to create opportunity for academic networking.

Call for letters

Any student from faculty of social sciences may apply and participate. Applications in English language containing a short (300 words) abstract and maximum 3000 words academic essay should be sent to Sumit Kumar ( on or before October 15th, 2023. Applications in Hungarian language containing a short (300 words) abstract and maximum 3000 words academic essay should be sent to Edit Paulo ( on or before October 15th, 2023. There is no theme or topic that is decided, students from any background can present their research to a group of peers and expect a critical review of their findings. Students may also present on any social topic of current events from their respective countries that they may find relevant to discuss. We are accepting abstracts from a wide range of topics; the only restriction is that it should have a social relevance. Students who may in the past have submitted an essay as part of their final exams and have received good feedback on that essay may also submit the essay as a letter to this conference.

This may not be an official scientific conference, but it would be a very good experience for BA and MA level students to gain experience on how to make future presentations in conferences. We have also planned it as an informal social and networking event for students.

Technical Requirements: The essays must be written in Calibri 12 pt font, 1.5 spaced and justified. They must be submitted in MS Word format only. Referencing must be in the APA style. Please refer to APA style guides which are available online. There is a zero tolerance towards plagiarism.

Language: English & Hungarian

Time and location: TBA.

There is no registration fee for this conference!

For any queries Contact