TDK Workshop of the Institute of Sociology

TDK Workshop of the Institute of Sociology

27. February 2024. 14:00

ELTE TáTK, Tanári klub (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a, 2.139)


2024. February 27. 14:00 -

ELTE TáTK, Tanári klub (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a, 2.139)

The Scientific Student Circles (TDK) provide an institutionalized framework at university (faculty) and national level for students to try their hand at scientific research and the presentation of research results.

At ELTE TáTK, we organize a TDK conference twice a year (at the end of each semester). All bachelor and master students can apply by submitting a scientific paper (co)authored by them with the support of a supervisor. The author(s) receive a peer-review of their paper to be considered in their presentation at the conference itself, where an expert jury evaluates their performance. Depending on the decision of the jury, the speaker(s) may receive an award and qualify for the national conference (OTDK). For details, see the current TDK call for papers.

The TDK workshop of the Institute of Sociology aims to assist interested students by offering them feedback at early stages of their TDK research and by helping them to specify their research topic, to understand the expectations concerning TDK research, or even to find a supervisor for their paper. We welcome to our workshop those who have already invested some energy in scientific research for a seminar and would like to continue the work and also those who do not have a specific topic yet but have found an area of sociology particularly interesting and would like to become more familiar with it by conducting a research of their own.

If you are interested, please contact Ottó Gecser at