Towards a Social Union: Social Europe in the EU

Towards a Social Union: Social Europe in the EU

27. November 2023. 16:00

Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE (Southern Building, H–1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Room 0-823, Kitaibel Pál Hall)


2023. November 27. 16:00 -

Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE (Southern Building, H–1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Room 0-823, Kitaibel Pál Hall)

The Department of International Relations and European Studies together with the Department of Social Policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE will host a talk by László Andor.

As a former EU Commissioner for Social Affairs, László Andor’s talk will represent a rare combination of a top policymaker and a profoundly knowledgeable political economist. Andor will outline post-World War II policy design in the West and the vision of a post-communist regime in Central-East Europe before going on to examine neo-conservatism and the trajectory of EU macro governance. Andor will highlight where common EU policy can be an important part of the solution to the problems facing Europe through Social Union.


  • László Andor | former EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion | Secretary General at Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Read more about László Andor here: bio at
  • Chair: Professor Márton Varju


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