Today, nearing the end of our tutorial series, you can read about EBSCO’s services and databases which are subscribed by the university. The ELTE usually subscribes for the following four packages: the Academic Search Complete, GreenFILE-t, Legal Source and MathSciNet. From these the first three contain relevant information in terms of the social sciences. The Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database. In this we can find nearly 8500 full text periodicals among 7300 that are proofread. Instead of full text journals the database provides indexing of 12,500 journals and 13,000 publications. The GreenFILE is, first of all, an environmental database that  focuses on the relationship between nature and humanity. It includes publications on global warming, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and recycling. It contains more than one million indexed records and 15,000 full-text items. The Legal Source contains full text articles from the world’s best-known scientific law journals. The collection includes 1200 full-text journals and 2,5 million records. Main topics: criminal law, international law, health law, labor law, environmental protection, family law, ethics. The speciality of EBSCO is that if we click to the database's link that doesn't take us directly to the search but takes us to the list where we can choose which subscribed databases we want to use. After choosing we will see the search bar for the simple searching. What EBSCO's simple search is different from the other databases is that by scrolling down you can set various narrowing criteria. For example, you can add the release date / interval, the type of publication, or whether to search for full-text content only. These options also appear for “Advanced Search,” where, like in the JSTOR, we can select how they are related to each other using predefined logical operators (and / or / not).

Why is this good?

Because you can find up-to-date literature relevant to a seminar dissertation, dissertation, or any other school assignment.

How can I access it from home?

VPN, Siboleth, Stunnel, (ELTE IP)