International relations

In recent years, the Doctoral School of Sociology has cooperated on an increasing number of international projects. It is a member of the European Crossdisciplinary Doctoral College of The Social And Human Sciences (SHS) organised by the Sorbonne. The Doctoral School also helps its own students to develop their own international links. For example, the 2014-2018 EU FP7 programme, which involves universities from six EU countries and eight Russian universities helps to organise joint courses, conferences and summer universities and promotes students’ and teachers’ international mobility. (European Identity, Cultural Diversity and Political Change Marie Curie Actions – IRSES).
Bilateral agreements also help to strengthen students’ and teachers’ links with foreign universities. Between 2010 and 2015 there were 61 such agreements in place with higher education institutions abroad.
The aim of the cooperation agreement signed in 2013 with George Mason University as part of the GMU/ELTE programme is to welcome American guest students to the Faculty of Social Sciences. Each semester up to twenty American students can participate in the programmes, which offer special courses in English.
With its headquarters in Venice, the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation, which was launched ten years ago, brings together 41 European universities and is an intensive one year Master’s course which allows students interested in human rights and democratisation to prepare for work in this field. This multidisciplinary programme aims to shed light on the invisible connections between human rights, democracy, peace and development.
In 2010 the Faculty of Social Sciences signed an agreement with four Australian universities (Deakin University, Curtin University, Central Queensland University and the University of Sydney) as part of the ICI Education Cooperation programme. This EU project allows European and Australian researchers and BA Social Work students to take part in an exchange programme.
Faculty teaching staff are actively involved in the work of international organisations, reading committees and editorial offices (ERC, FP6-7 and H2020 funding applications, Erste Foundation, Fullbright scholarships). Our professors are also members of leading bodies of international organisations. For instance, the Head of the Department of Statistics is the President of the European Association of Methodology.