


Our library collects in digital format those theses which were written in the Faculty from 2001 to present days. Theses are available on only three computers in the library. We don’t provide access to the encrypted works.

These are mostly in Hungarian but you can find some titles in English too. 

List of english language Theses: 2001-2019 

The table organized by the year. Next to the thesis title you can find the major, the name of the consultant teacher and the work's language.

From 2020 theses are available in ELTE Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT). In the Repository only the bibliographic datas can be seen by the public.

Only the lecturers and students from the Faculty can watch full theses. External users can access selected theses with permission of the Dean.

Permit applicant form to external users

Heritage of Dénes Némedi

Dénes Némedi worked in the Department of Sociology from 1973. Primarily he was occupied with theoretical sociology and sociology of history. From 1990 he was a part of the preparation and coordination of the Sociological PHD school. He teached here and in 2000 he became the leader of the program. Between 1988 and 1991 Némedi was the vice-director of the Institute of Sociology, after this from 1992 to 1996 he was the leader of the Department of Theoretical History and lastly among 1994 and 1996 he was the director of the Institute of Sociology. After Némedi’s death his widow offered his private library to the Faculty.

The documents from this collection only can be used locally.

Deposit Collections

  • Róbert Angelusz College of Social Sciences Deposit Collection
    This collection first of all supports the studies and research of the students from the college because of this these books are placed  in the building of Nándorfejérvári Street Dormitory. The full collection is searchable in the ELTE Library Catalog. The access to the collection is limited and available only for the college members.  
  • Institute of Sociology Department of Comparative Historical Sociology Deposit Collection