Local use

Local use

For the registered readers the library services are available after the library card or student card checking.

Rules of the reading room

  • Coats and bags only be brought into the library in the area provided for administration. In other cases, it’s required to use the cloakroom of the building.
  • Eating in the library area is forbidden but non-alcoholic drinks are allowed in closed bottles.
  • Seating in the Library is optional.
  • In the Library we expect quiet, non distracting behavior.
  • Own laptop is usable in the library, but the laptop bag is checked any time by the librarian if they want it for stock protection reasons.
  • After the usage of the book from the shelf please take it to the book rolley or to the librarians’ counter.
  • Damages caused to books, periodicals and library equipment must be compensated.
  • The removal of documents, furnitures and equipments of the library are forbidden without permission.
  • Library doesn't take responsibility for unattended items.


  • Computer and internet usage
    • The usage of computers in the Library first of all are provided for registered members.
    • Own laptop usage is allowed.
  • Scann
    • With the application of the copyright the scanning is free, if the user makes the copy by themself.
  • Equipments for the users with disability
    • Computer with JAWS speaking program for blind and visually impaired users.
    • Colorful zooming-reading machine for visually impaired users.
    • Special emboss printer.