ELTE Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT)
The Eötvös Loránd University's Digital Institutional Repository is a storage of documents and archives.
Each document is assigned a unique Handle identifier (so-called URI 'Universal Resource Identifier') which can be used as a reference.It allows permanent access even after a document has been relocated.
Bibliographic data from scientific publications that are already included in the MTMT can be transferred to EDIT with a few clicks. This allows you to include items in the bibliographic database and the full text in the repository with a single entry.
According to the No. 6/2012 (II.23.) Rector's instruction, which is about the registration of the University's publishing activities, it is necessary to archive publications related to the University in EDIT.
Important! When you upload publications to the repository, you must take into account copyrights, publishing rights, and contracts with publishers!