Students with special needs
Information for students with special needs

We believe in equal chances, and we strive to provide broad access to studies to all students. The University offers extra help for students with disability or chronical illness.
According to the Hungarian Higher Education Act (2011), disability covers persons with:
- visual impairment (blindness, low vision, partial sight);
- hearing impairment (deafness, hard of hearing, cochlea implant);
- physical disability;
- specific learning difficulties and neurodevelopmental disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD);
- speech impairment or language disorders; as well as
- Autism-spectrum disorder.
- Our university helps people with chronical illness as well.
To get extra help, you need to fill the documents below and give them to the disability coordinator of the faculty during the registration period. You also need an evidence of your condition.
The disability coordinator on the Faculty of Social Sciences is Ms Tünde Bulyáki (ELTE TáTK 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny. 1/A, 7.103; Tel.: +36-1-372-2500/6710; mail: bulyaki.tunde@tatk.elte.hu)
Get more information at the university’s disability center.