Traineeship Mobility Modification/ Cancellation
1. I am a scholarship winner, but I would like to spend my Erasmus+ traineeship mobility in a different semester. Can I do that?
Yes. If you wish to change the dates of your approved mobility, please notify the faculty international coordinator via email. It is important to keep in mind, that if you have been awarded a traineeship after graduation / completion, the traineeship starts after graduation / absolutory and ends no later than 1 year (360 days) from the date of graduation / absolutory.
2. I am a scholarship winner, but I would like to spend my Erasmus+ traineeship mobility at a different host institution. Can I modify the host institution?
Yes. If you wish to change your host institution, please notify the faculty international coordinator via email as soon as possible.
3. I would like to cancel my Erasmus+ scholarship. What should I do?
If you wish to cancel your Erasmus+ scholarship, please contact the faculty international coordinator via email as soon as possible, and contact the host institution too.
4. I would like to cancel my Erasmus+ traineeship scholarship, but I have received my scholarship already/ I have started my traineeship already. What can I do?
If you wish to cancel your Erasmus+ scholarship, please contact the faculty international coordinator via email as soon as possible, who will contact the Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (ENPO) of ELTE. In this case, you will be required to repay your scholarship. The ENPO will notify you via email regarding the amount to be repaid and the repayment process. Additionally, please inform your host institution as well.
5. I have been awarded the traineeship scholarship, but the host institution where I was supposed to go can no longer host me. What should I do in this case?
If the host institution can no longer host you, you will need to find another host institution as soon as possible. Please notify the faculty international coordinator about the change.