Megjelent Németh Renáta és Luksander Alexandra cikke a Field Methods-ban

Németh Renáta [habilitált egyetemi docens és tanszékvezető, Statisztika Tanszék] volt tanítványával, Luksander Alexandrával közösen írt "Strong Impact of Interviewers on Respondents’ Political Choice" c. cikke megjelent a Field Methods c. Q1-kategóriás folyóiratban. A cikk aktuális témát vizsgál: a kérdezőbiztosok erős hatását detektálja a politikai közvéleménykutatások során kapott válaszokra.

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Despite much literature on interviewer effects, limited attention has been paid to party preference surveys, although the effect is expectedly strong in this field. This article analyzes interviewer effects in a face-to-face political survey. Specifically, we are interested in whether the interviewer’s own party preference has an effect on the respondent’s party choice. We used cross-classified two-level logistic regression models with median odds ratio as effect size. We found four main results: (1) Place of residence significantly affects political preference, but interviewers do so to the same degree; (2) the size of these effects is comparable to those of demographic characteristics of the respondent; (3) interviewers’ political preference has an effect and it does not disappear once controlled for obvious interviewer characteristics; and (4) the impact of political preference is such that respondents tend to have a preference similar to that of their interviewers.
