

Kiegészítő információk:

  • A lista a kari partneregyetemeket mutatja, amelyeken az úgynevezett hosszú távú mobilitáson lehet részt venni. A lista tájékoztató jellegű, folyamatos frissítés alatt. A pályázható egyetemek listája mindig az aktuális pályázati felhívásban (HUEN) érhető el.
  • A hallgató a számára elérhető felsőoktatási intézmények (ún. partneregyetemek) közül választhat. A pályázható egyetemek listája szakonként eltérő, azok között átjárási lehetőség nincs.
  • A pályázat előkészítése során a hallgatók megnézik a partneregyetemek honlapjain a kurzuskínálatot, tájékozódnak arról, hogy milyen nyelven és milyen képzési szinten (alap- vagy mesterképzés) hirdetnek kurzusokat, és milyen igazolást kérnek a nyelvtudásról, a motivációs levelet és tanulmányi tervet ezek alapján készítik el.
  • A célegyetemek kiválasztása során az együttműködés tudományterületének (lásd: a táblázat ISCED nevű oszlopa) megfelelő szervezeti egységét kell keresni (pl. social sciences – Faculty of Social Sciences, sociology – Faculty of Sociology), a kurzusok 60-70%-át onnan szükséges kiválasztani. Ha a partneregyetem neve mellett külön meg van nevezve a szervezeti egység is (pl. faculty, department), akkor pedig onnan. A pályázat pillanatában nem minden esetben érhető el a következő félév/tanév kurzuskínálata, ebben az esetben az előző év listájából kell dolgozni. 
  • A kurzusok keresésénél mindig az adott ELTE-s szak mintatantervét kell alapul venni, megnézni, hogy a tervezett félév alatt mik az ajánlott teljesítendő kurzusok, és azokhoz hasonlót keresni a külföli egyetem oldalán. Mobilitásra a legalkamasabb a mobilitási ablak. Erről, valamint bővebben a tanulmányok tervezéséről, tanulmányok elismertetésével kapcsolatban a Pályázni szeretnék oldalakon lehet tájékozódni.
Country Erasmus code University BA MA PhD ISCED Name of study field Required languange skills
Austria A  WIEN75 Webster Vienna Private University no yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (MA) English
Belgium B  ANTWERP01 University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics; 0314; Sociology and cultural studies International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA) English
Belgium B  BRUXEL02 Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences and Communication yes no yes 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU English
Belgium B  GENT01 Universiteit Gent, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences yes yes no 0312;Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Belgium B  LIEGE01 Université de Liege yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
Belgium B  LOUVAIN01 Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) no yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (MA) English
Belgium B  LOUVAIN01 Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) no yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy
Cyprus CY NICOSIA01 University of Cyprus, Department of Social and Political Sciences yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|
Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
Czech Republic CZ BRNO05 Masaryk University,Faculty of Social Studies yes yes yes 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)|Sociology PhD (International Studies)
Czech Republic CZ BRNO05 Masaryk University,Faculty of Social Studies yes yes yes 0312; Political sciences International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Human Ecology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Social Policy|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)|Sociology PhD (International Studies)
Czech Republic CZ OLOMOUC01 Palacký University in Olomouc yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Community and Civil Development Studies|International Relations (MA)|Cultural Anthropology
Czech Republic CZ PRAHA07 Charles University, Faculty of Humanities no yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Cultural Anthropology English
Czech Republic CZ PRAHA07 Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences yes yes yes 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Human Ecology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Social Policy|
Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)|Sociology PhD (International Studies)
Czech Republic CZ PRAHA07 Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences no yes yes 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (MA)|Social Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Human Ecology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)|Sociology PhD (International Studies)
Germany D  BERLIN01 Freie Universität Berlin no yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined Sociology (MA)|International Relations (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
German language
Germany D  BERLIN05 Alice Solomon Hochschule Berlin yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Social Policy|Social Pedagogy|Community and Civil Development Studies English
Germany D  BERLIN13 Humboldt Universität zu Berlin yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis
German language
Germany D  BIELEFE01 Bielefeld University, Faculty of Sociology yes no no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU German language
Germany D  BOCHUM01 Ruhr University Bochum yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics; 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
German, English
Germany D  ESSEN04 Universität Duisburg Essen yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
Germany D  FLENSBU01 Europa-Universitat Flensburg yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)
|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
German, English
Germany D  FRANKFU08 Europa-Universität Viadrina, Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
Germany D  GOTTING01 Georg-August Universität Göttingen yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
German, English
Germany D  HEIDELB01 Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) German 
Germany D  KONSTAN01 Universität Konstanz yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
English or German
Germany D  MAINZ01 Universität Johannes Gutenberg yes yes yes 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
English or German
Germany D  MUNCHEN01 Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet München, Department of Sociology yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Human Ecology|Social Policy|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis
English or German
Germany D  MUNCHEN07 Katholische Stiftungshochschule München yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Social Policy|Social Pedagogy|Community and Civil Development Studies English or German
Germany D  NEUBRAN02 Hochschule Neubrandenburg - University of Applied Sciences yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Social Policy|Social Pedagogy|Community and Civil Development Studies German
Germany D  NURNBER02 Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg yes no no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA) German
Germany D  PASSAU01 University of Passau yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) German
Denmark DK KOBENHA01 University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)| English
Spain E  BARCELO01 Universitat de Barcelona, Faculty of Education yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Social Policy|Social Pedagogy|Community and Civil Development Studies Spanish
Spain E  GIRONA02 Universidad de Girona, Faculty of Law yes no no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU Spanish
Spain E  GIRONA02 Universidad de Girona,  Faculty of Education and Psychology  yes no no 0923; Social work and counselling
Social Work (BA)
Spain E  MADRID01 Universidad Nacional de Educatión a Distancia (UNED), Faculty of Political and Social Sciences yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
Spain E  MADRID03 Universidad Complutense de Madrid,  Faculty of Political Science and Sociology yes no no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU Spanish
Spain E  MADRID03 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Faculty of Social Work yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Social Policy|Social Pedagogy|Community and Civil Development Studies Spanish
Spain E  MADRID03 Universidad Complutense de Madrid,  Faculty of Political Science and Sociology yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Cultural Anthropology Spanish
Spain E  PAMPLON02 Universidad Publica de Navarra yes no no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA) Spanish
Spain E  SALAMAN02 Universidad de Salamanca yes no no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU Spanish
Estonia EE TALLINN05 Tallin University,School of Governance, Law and Society yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies| Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
France F  ANGERS04 Université Catholique De L’ouest, School of Law, Economy, Management yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English or French
France F  LILLE102 Sciences Po Lille yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
English or French
France F  PARIS001 Université Panthéon Sorbonne Paris I. no yes yes 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Social Policy|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|International Relations (MA)|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|
Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
France F  PARIS003 Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III. (department of agreement is mediation culturelle, but  they make allow to take courses at 3 different departments of studies) no yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (MA)|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Social Policy
France F  PARIS008 Université Paris VIII. St-Denis no yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (MA)|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|
Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
France F  PARIS014 Sciences Po Paris yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
English or French
Greece G  ATHINE01 University of Athens yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy) English
Greece G  ATHINE01 University of Athens yes yes yes 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (MA) |
Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|
Greece G  ATHINE41 University of the Aegean yes yes yes 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|
Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
Greece G  KALLITH02 Pantheion University of Social and Political Sciences yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (MA)|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
Greece G  KRITIS01 University of Crete yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (MA) courses in Greek,
exams and study material possible in English
Greece G  THESSAL02 University of Macedonia, Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
Croatia HR SPLIT01 University of Split yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (MA) English
Croatia HR ZAGREB01 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Social Policy|Social Pedagogy|Community and Civil Development Studies English
Italy I  FIRENZE01 Universita' Degli Studi Di Firenze, School of Political Studies yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Italy I  FOGGIA03 University of Foggia yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined Cultural Anthropology|International Relations (BA) - EN|
International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)
Italian is also required
Italy I  ROMA01 Universitá degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza, Poltical Science Area yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) Italian is also required
Italy I  ROMA16 Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Department of Political Sciences  yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Italy I  ROMA16 Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Department of Education Sciences yes no no 0923; Social work and counselling
Social Work (BA)
Italy I  ROMA31 Niccolò Cusano University yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) Italian is also required
Italy I  TRENTO01 University of Trento, Deparment of Sociology and Social Research yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA) English
Italy I  VENEZIA01 Universita Ca Foscari Venezia, Department of Economics yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Iceland IS REYKJAV01 University of Iceland no yes no 0319; Social and behavioural sciences, not elsewhere classified Cultural Anthropology English
Lithuania LT KLAIPED01 Klaipeda University yes no no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA) English
Lithuania LT VILNIUS01 Vilnius University
Institute of International Relations and Political Science
yes no no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU English
Malta MT MALTA01 University of Malta
Faculty of Arts, Department of International Relations 
yes no no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU English
Macedonia MK TETOVO02 South East European University,
Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences
yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|Social Work (BA)|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Community and Civil Development Studies|International Relations (MA)|
Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)
Norway N  BERGEN01 University of Bergen, Faculty of Social Sciences yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
Norway N  OSLO01 Universitet i Oslo yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
The Netherlands NL AMSTERD02 Vrije Universitet Amsterdam yes no no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU English
The Netherlands NL AMSTERD05 University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Law yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined Social Work (MA)|Social Work (BA)|Social Pedagogy|International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy|
Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis
The Netherlands NL GRONING03 Hanze University of Applied Sciences, School of Social Studies yes no no 0923; Social work and counselling International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|Social Work (BA) English
The Netherlands NL NIJMEGE01 Radboud University, Faculty of Social Sciences yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
The Netherlands NL NIJMEGE01 Radboud University, Faculty of Social Sciences yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
The Netherlands NL UTRECHT01 Utrecht University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy English
The Netherlands NL UTRECHT24 Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Applied Sciences yes no no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA) English
Portugal P  COIMBRA01 Universidade de Coimbra, Faculty of Law yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English, Portuguese
Portugal P  COIMBRA01 Universidade de Coimbra yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA) English, Portuguese
Portugal P  LISBOA07 ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, School of Sociology yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
Poland PL KRAKOW01 Jagiellonian University,
 Institute of Political Science and International Relations
yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Poland PL KRAKOW01 Jagiellonian University, Institute of Sociology yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined Human Ecology|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|
Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy
Poland PL KRAKOW01 Jagiellonian University,
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
no yes yes 0319; Social and behavioural sciences, not elsewhere classified Cultural Anthropology English
Poland PL POZNAN01 Adam Mickiewicz University,
Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies
yes yes no 0319; Social and behavioural sciences, not elsewhere classified Cultural Anthropology English
Poland PL POZNAN01 Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Sociology yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA) English
Poland PL POZNAN01 Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Romania RO BUCURES13 Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative yes yes  no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)  
Romania RO CLUJNAP01 Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|
International Relations (MA)|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
Romania RO CLUJNAP01 Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work yes yes yes 0319; Social and behavioural sciences, not elsewhere classified 
Community and Civil Development Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnic and Minority Policy, Human Ecology,Survey Statistics and Data Analysis
International Relations (BA) - EN, International Relations (BA) - HU, International Relations (MA), Social Policy, Sociology (BA) - EN, Sociology (BA) - HU, Sociology (MA),
Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research), Sociology PhD (International Studies), Sociology PhD (Social Policy), Sociology PhD (Sociology),
Romania RO CLUJNAP01 Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies
Community and Civil Development Studies, Ethnic and Minority Policy, Human Ecology, Social Pedagogy, Social Policy, Social Work (BA), Social Work (MA), Sociology (BA) - EN, Sociology (BA) - HU, Sociology (MA), Survey Statistics and Data Analysis
Romania RO TIMISOA01 West University of Timisoara yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Social Policy|Social Pedagogy|Community and Civil Development Studies  
Romania RO CLUJNAP07 Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Economics, Socio-Human Sciences and Engineering, Miercurea Ciuc yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy
Serbia RS BELGRAD02 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Serbia RS NOVISAD02 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|
Sociology PhD (Social Policy)|Sociology PhD (International Studies)
Sweden S  VASTERA01 Mälardalens University,School of Health, Care and Social Welfare yes yes yes 0319; Social and behavioural sciences, not elsewhere classified International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|
Community and Civil Development Studies|Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)|Sociology PhD (International Studies)
Finland SF JYVASKY01 University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences yes yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|International Relations (BA) - EN|
International Relations (BA) - HU|Cultural Anthropology
Finland SF TAMPERE17 Tampere University yes yes yes 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis|Social Policy|Sociology PhD (International Studies)|Sociology PhD (Interdisciplinary Social Research)|Sociology PhD (Sociology)|Sociology PhD (Social Policy)
Finland SF TURKU02 Abo Akademi University yes yes no 0923; Social work and counselling Social Work (BA)|Social Work (MA)|Community and Civil Development Studies|Social Pedagogy|Social Policy English
Slovenia SI LJUBLJA01 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences yes yes no 0310; Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA)|Sociology (BA) - EN|Sociology (BA) - HU|Sociology (MA)|Social Policy|Human Ecology|Cultural Anthropology|Community and Civil Development Studies|
Ethnic and Minority Policy|Survey Statistics and Data Analysis
Slovakia SK BRATISL02 COMENIUS University In Bratislava yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Turkey TR ISTANBU25 İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Turkey TR ISTANBU49 MEF University, Deparment of Political Science and International Relations  yes yes no 0312; Political sciences and civics International Relations (BA) - EN|International Relations (BA) - HU|International Relations (MA) English
Turkey TR IZMIR01 Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi  no yes no 0314; Sociology and cultural studies Cultural Anthropology,  Ethnic and Minority Policy English