Incoming mobility
Incoming mobility

If you are a student at another university, you can study as an exchange student at the Faculty of Social Sciences:
- within the Erasmus+ programme if your intitution is an Erasmus partner of the Faculty
- under an institutional bilateral agreement if your higher education institution has such an agreement with ELTE for your field of studies
- within a university network if your higher education institution is a university network partner institution of ELTE
- with a Visegrad Fund Scholarship
- with a Hungarian state scholarship
- with an INSPIRE scholarship if you are a student from South Africa
For more information please visit the ELTE website: https://www.elte.hu/en/incoming-mobility
If you are interested in to study at Faculty of Social Sciences as a freemover, please contact us at international@tatk.elte.hu
If you are interested in enrolling for a degree programme and obtaining a degree at ELTE, have a look at our degree programmes offered in foreign languages.