Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSc

Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSc

Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSc

Program director: Professor Renáta Németh

Are you looking for a master programme...

...where you can get to know the entire process of data analytics, a variety of applications from business/industrial applications to social research, policy analysis, healthcare, and the economic sector?

...that gives you a solid foundation for lifelong learning, so that you can flexibly switch between areas and positions during your career?

Then choose the Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSc programme!

Survey Statistics and Data Analytics is one of the most popular master programmes at ELTE, consistently among the top for years, based on the number of first-place applications.


The purpose of the programme is to train statisticians and data analysts working in the business/industrial, public administration and scientific fields of social research, who are able to contribute to making decisions based on data, keeping the entire process of data collection, analysis and interpretation in hand.


Analytical competencies: Broad statistical and data science/machine learning skills. Built on strong mathematical foundations, the students therefore understand modeling in depth, so they are able to develop methods and to critically choose the applied data collection procedures and analysis methods.

Interpretation competences: Understanding the creation and context of the data, the ability to convey the results to the customer.

The programme provides a Master of Sciences (MSc) degree. The programme is hosted by the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, in cooperation with the ELTE Faculty of Sciences.


Primarily business/industrial, social research and policy/public administration areas. The greatest emphasis (also in proportion to the number of lecture hours) is on business/industrial applications, and the spectrum is wider than social research (e.g. biostatistics, policy analysis).

Typical employment opportunities depending on specialization and BA degree: banking, insurance, market research, public opinion research, policy analysis, innovative data analysis, telecommunications, business consulting and multinational corporations.


In the programme we work with survey data, digital data (found data) and administrative data as well.


Students can tailor their learning path to their own interests as the electives are organized into the following modules of two to three courses: Biomedical Research, Economic Research, Digital Data Analytics, Social Research, Business Research.


The schedule fits other activities of the students: compulsory courses are held on 2 days weekly.


... you are looking for a complex educational program that is interdisciplinary, can be visited with a broad BA/BSc background, and can be flexibly adapted, while providing a strong foundation for statistical/data analytical knowledge.

... you would like to have a foundation that gives you the opportunity to develop methods and critical thinking, but also to learn new tools (methods or software) in the future, ensuring lifelong learning.

... in addition to the theoretical foundations, you also want to acquire practical knowledge from acknowledged experts, learning about the entire process of data analytics (data collection, analysis, project management, data visualization, business communication), learning about a variety of fields (mainly business/industry, but optionally policy analysis, health, economics, digital research), so that you can flexibly switch between fields and positions during your career.

... you want to understand the business context in addition to the technical side of analytics, so that you can independently translate research questions into analytical problems and then translate the results to the customer.

... you want to have the opportunity to develop a learning path and career opportunity that matches your own interests, e.g. applications of data analytics based on artificial intelligence or the most widely used quantitative and qualitative tools of market research in telecommunications or media research.

Facts and Figures


Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSc


Survey Statistician and Data Analyst


Degree program

Work schedule Full time program


Master level (MSc)

Accreditation number


Accreditation All of our programmes are accredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee. The Hungarian Accreditation Committee is compliant to EU standards (ESG 2015) and is a member of the ENQA.


in Hungarian: Társadalomtudományi Kar
in English: Faculty of Social Sciences


in Hungarian: Empirikus Tanulmányok Intézete
in English: Institute of Empirical Studies


in Hungarian: Statisztika Tanszék
in English: Department of Statistics




4 semesters (2 years)

ECTS credits



Lágymányosi Campus (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A)

Availability of preparatory year

Not available

Availability of specialization year Not available