Traineeship Mobility - After the mobility
1. Is it possible to extend the Erasmus+ traineeship?
No, unfortunately, you can’t extend your Erasmus+ traineeship. If you would like to stay at the host institution longer than the mobility period stated in your Grant Agreement at your own expense, you can extend your Erasmus+ status, but you will not receive a grant for the duration of the extension (zero grant days).
2. What do I need to do to close the mobility?
To close the mobility, students must obtain the Traineeship Certificate/ Learning Agreement After the mobility document issued and certified by the host institution, confirming the completed traineeship and the exact dates of the student’s mobility. If the student applied for additional support for green travel when filling out the questionnaire required for the Grant Agreement, they must also submit the necessary documents proving their green travel.
3. How can I provide proof of my completed traineeship?
The Traineeship Certificate document includes the student's professional activities completed at the host institution, the duration of the mobility, as well as the signature/stamp of the host institution. This can also be substituted with the Learning Agreement After the Mobility document.
4. Is the start and the end of mobility calculated according to the dates indicated in the Traineeship Certificate/ Learning Agreement After the mobility?
This document specifies the exact dates during which the student participated in the internship at the host institution. If the certified dates differ from those stated in the Grant Agreement by more than 5 days, the scholarship will be recalculated. This may result in repayment if the second installment of the scholarship does not cover the difference (only 90% of the total scholarship is transferred before the mobility, with the remaining 10% paid after submitting the final documents). However, it could also result in an additional scholarship payment.
5. How can I verify the green travel?
Students awarded with the additional support for green travel are obliged to keep the travel documents and provide proof of the realised green travel at the end of their mobility. Accordingly, please take special care to keep the tickets used during the trip! Accepted certificates: travel documents (travel tickets - bus ticket, train ticket), which contain the name of the student, the travel dates and the location of departure and arrival.
6. The necessary information is not included on the purchased train tickets. How can I verify the green travel in this case?
Without accepted certificates (for example travel tickets - bus ticket, train ticket), which contain the name of the student, the travel dates and the location of departure and arrival, or if you travelled by carsharing, car-pooling, a legal liability form is also acceptable to verify the green travel. The form needs to be signed through a customer gateway with AVDH authentication or printed out and signed with a blue pen.
7. How does the institutional recognition of the traineeship work?
The Erasmus+ Traineeship must be fully acknowledged by the sending institution (ELTE). The process of the acknowledgement must be always initiated by the Erasmus+ student. If the programme/tasks of the traineeship fit(s) the criteria of the curricular internship, you can get credit for it. If it does not fit or you do not have any curricular internship obligation, the traineeship programme will appear in your diploma supplements.
The process of the acknowledgement may be different in every case. For more information about the process consult with your academic registrar.
If you completed a traineeship after graduation, it is worth preparing your Europass Mobility certificate to prove the experiences, skills and competences gained during the traineeship. The Europass Mobility certificate must be filled in by the participant and signed by the sending and host institution.
8. I haven’t received the email about the EU Survey. What should I do?
If you do not receive an email to complete the EU Survey on the day following the end date specified in your Grant Agreement, and it is not in your spam folder, please notify your faculty international coordinator via email.
9. When can I expect to receive the remaining 10% of my scholarship?
The remaining 10% of your scholarship will be transferred after the successful completion of the mobility and the fulfilment of the obligations set out in the Grant Agreement.
10. I have to repay part or all of my Erasmus+ scholarship? What options do I have?
If the amount of the Erasmus+ scholarship to be reimbursed is covered by the remaining 10% of the scholarship that has not yet been disbursed, this amount will be deducted accordingly. If the remaining 10% is not sufficient to cover the amount to be reimbursed, the student will be responsible for paying the outstanding balance.
Regarding the payment:
Students may request an instalment payment plan. To do so, please contact your faculty international coordinator.
If the student was unable to fulfil their obligations due to justifiable reasons, which resulted in the need to reimburse part or all of the scholarship, they may submit a request for exemption. The request should be addressed to the Vice Dean for International Affairs and sent in an official, signed, or authenticated PDF format to There is no official template for the exemption request, but students should clearly explain the justifiable reasons in their application.
Failure to repay the scholarship will result in the student not being allowed to take the final exam!