Study Mobility - Learning Agreement

1. What is the Learning Agreement?

The Learning Agreement (LA) is the Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement, in which the Erasmus+ student agrees with their sending programme director and the receiving institution on the study plan to be undertaken abroad. 

Until this document is not signed by all parties (outgoing student, programme director, host university), the Grant Agreement is not valid and you cannot start your mobility. 

You can find the contact details of the programme directors at the following link: BA/BSc programme directors; MA/MSc programme directors 

2. How do I fill out the Digital Learning Agreement?

You can find the steps for completing the Digital Learning Agreement (DLA) in the guide. If you have any further questions about initiating the DLA, please contact your faculty’s international coordinator via email. 

3. What does the ‘Before’ and ‘During the mobility’ part mean in the Learning Agreement?

The Before the Mobility Learning Agreement includes the courses that the student plans to take in advance, before the course registration at the host university. 

The During the Mobility Learning Agreement, on the other hand, lists the courses that the student has successfully registered for at the host university, including any modifications compared to the Before the Mobility section. 

4. Who is the responsible/contact person of my Learning Agreement at the sending and receiving institution?

It is advisable to gather information about the responsible/contact person and their contact details from the information provided by the host university, their official website, or by reaching out to the host university’s international coordinator via email. 

The responsible person of the sending institution (ELTE) is the programme director (BA/BSc programme directors; MA/MSc programme directors), the contact person is the faculty’s international coordinator

5. The host university doesn’t use the online platform of the Learning Agreement. What should I do?

If the host university does not use an online Learning Agreement platform and only accepts manually or digitally signed Learning Agreements, please complete the Learning Agreement for Study Mobility following the provided completion guide

Before starting the signing process, send the completed document to your faculty’s international coordinator for review. 

The PDF version of the Learning Agreement must be signed by all three parties: 

  • The outgoing student 
  • The programme director 
  • The host institution 

It is the student's responsibility to collect all required signatures. 

Once signed by all parties, upload the document in PDF format to the Mobility Online platform under the section "ONLY IN EXCEPTIONAL CASES: Before the Mobility - Learning Agreement as PDF requested", indicating that you can only submit the Learning Agreement in PDF format. 

After submission, the faculty’s international coordinator will review the document. If any errors or missing information are found, the student will receive a system notification and must re-upload the corrected document. 

You can find the contact details of the programme directors at the following link: BA/BSc programme directors; MA/MSc programme directors 

6. One of the parties is not signing the Learning Agreement despite multiple follow-ups. What should I do?

If the signatories (programme director and/or the host university’s representative) do not approve or reject the pending Learning Agreement despite multiple follow-ups, it is advisable to contact the faculty’s international coordinator for assistance in obtaining the necessary signatures. 

7. My Learning Agreement got rejected by the host institution. What can I do?

If the host university rejects the Learning Agreement that has already been approved by the programme director, the student will receive an email notification. 

Following the host university’s instructions and recommendations, the outgoing student must modify the list of courses they intend to take. 

The revised Learning Agreement must then be reviewed again with the programme director. Once this is done, the Learning Agreement must be approved by all parties in the following order: outgoing student, programme director, host university. 

You can find the contact details of the programme directors at the following link: BA/BSc programme directors; MA/MSc programme directors 

8. I have completed the Learning Agreement, do I have to submit it on paper as well?

The paper-based Learning Agreement does not need to be submitted either to the faculty's International Office or to the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes.  

9. The start/end date of the mobility has changed, should I indicate the changes in the Learning Agreement?

The dates can be modified in the Mobility-Online workflow, during the Before the mobility - questionnaire process step, and this will automatically update the dates in the Learning Agreement (LA) as well. 

10. The Before the Mobility list of courses has changed. What should I do?

If the student was unable to register for all the courses that were previously agreed upon with the programme director after enrolling at the host university, they can indicate the changes in the Learning Agreement During the Mobility section. The completed During the Mobility Learning Agreement must then be approved again by all three parties (outgoing student, programme director, host university). 

11. I registered for a course, but I changed my mind during the semester, and probably I will not complete the course. What should I do?

It is important that the outgoing student must complete a minimum of 20 credits. If the student has registered for more than 20 credits at the host university and decides not to complete a particular course, they do not need to take any action. During the credit recognition process, based on the Transcript of Records issued by the host university, the Academic Registrar’s Office will not recognize the course in question. The credits earned during the mobility do not count towards credit exceedance.